(一)人文社会学院Faculty of Humanities
1、艺术学院School f the Arts
戏剧系Department of Drama 、音乐系Department of Music、视觉艺术Department of Visual Arts
2、语言学院School of Languages
非洲语言学系Department of African Languages、南非荷兰语系Department of Afrikaans、原始(古老)语言学系Department of Ancient Languages、英语系Department of English、现代欧洲语言学系Department of Modern European Languages、语言学发展研究分部Unit f Language Skills Development
3、社会科学院School f Social Sciences
人类考古系Department of Anthropology and Archaeology、生物(生命)运动与空间科学系Department of Biokinetics,Spt and Leisure Sciences、通讯传播中心Centre f Augmentative and Alternative Communication(CAAC)、国际政治研究中心Centre f International Political Studies(CIPS)、病理学系Department of Communication Pathology、犯罪学系Department of Criminology、历史学系Department of Histy and Cultural Histy、战略研究学院Institute f Strategic Studies、哲学系Department of Philosophy、政治科学系Department of Political Sciences、心理学系Department of Psychology、社会服务学系Department of Social Wk、社会学系Department of Sociology
(二)自然与农业科学研究学院Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences
林业或农业人机工程学学会Festry&Agriculture Biotechnology Institute(FABI)
计算机控制智能农业中心Gold Fields Computer Centre
显微平衡实验室Labaty f Microscopy and Microanalysis
1、生物科学学院School f Biological Sciences
生物化学系Department of Biochemistry、植物学系Department of Botany、遗传学系Department of Genetics、微生物和植物病理学系Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology、动物学和昆虫学系Department of Zoology and Entomology
2、自然科学学院School f Physical Sciences
化学系Department of Chemistry、地球科学系Department of Earth Sciences、地理学系Department of Geography and Geoinfmatics、物理学系Department of Physics
3、农业与食品科学学院School of Agricultural and Food Sciences
农业经济学 农村经济增长和发展系Department of Agricultural Economics , Extension and Rural Development、动物与野生动植物学系Department of Animal and Wildlife Sciences、消费科学系Department of Consumer Science、食品(营养)学系Department of Food Science、植物生长和土壤科学系Department of Plant Production and Soil Science、农业与农村发展研究生学院Postgraduate School of Agriculture and Rural Development
4、数学科学学院School of Mathematical Sciences
保险与理赔科学系Department of Insurance and Actuarial Science、数学与应用数学系Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics、统计学系Department of Statistics
(三)法律学院Faculty of Law
人权中心Centre f Human Rights、法学及其历史学系(法学系) Department of Legal Histy, Comparative Law and Jurisprudence、商业法学系Department of Mercantile Law、独立法律学系Department of Private Law、法律程序学Department of Procedural Law、公共法律学系Department of Public Law
(四)神学院Faculty of Theology
新约全书(圣经)研究学系Department of New Testament Studies、旧约全书研究学系Department of Old Testament Studies、宗教信仰学系Department of Science of Religion and Missiology
(五)经济管理科学学院Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
1、管理学院School f Management Sciences 商业管理系Department of Business Management、非洲旅游中心Centre f Afikatourism、人力资源管理系Department of Human Resources Management、营销与交流管理Department of Marketing and Communication Management、公共管理与行政管理学院School of Public Management and Administration、旅游业管理Department of Tourism Management
2、 经济学院School of Economic Sciences 经济系Department of Economics
3、 金融学院,财务(会计)科学学院School f Financial Sciences 金融系Department of Accounting and Finance、会计学院School of Accountancy
(六)兽医科学学院Faculty of Veterinary Science
解剖学系Department of Anatomy、动物医药学系Department of Companion Animal Medicine、动物临床医学Department of Companion Animal Surgery
(七)教育学院Faculty of Education
教育管理学系Department of Education Management 、教育指导系Department of Educational Guidance and Counselling、教育研究学系Department of Education Studies、教学培训系Department of Teaching and Training Studies
(八)医药学院Faculty of Medicine
1、药学院School of Medicine 麻醉学系Department of Anaesthesiology、解剖学系Department of Anatomy、心脏医学系Department of Cardiology、家庭医药学系Department of Family Medicine、国际医药学系Department of Internal Medicine、神经学系Department of Neurology、神经医学系Department of Neurosurgery、核医学系Department of Nuclear Medicine、产科妇科系Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology、眼科学系Department of Ophthalmology、整形外科学系Department of Orthopaedics、小儿科医学系Department of Paediatrics、药物学(药理学)系Department of Pharmacology、生理学系Department of Physiology、精神病学系Department of Psychiatry、放射学系Department of Radiology、 外科学系Department of Surgery、生殖学系Department of Urology
2、身体康复医学院School F Health Care Science 护理学系Department of Nursing Science、职业疗法系Department of Occupational Therapy、物理疗法系Department of Physiotherapy、放射疗法系Department of Radiographic Sciences
3、保健系统与公众保健医学院School f Health Systems and Public Health
4、病理学学院School f Pathology Sciences
解剖病理学系Department of Anatomical Pathology、化学药品病理学系Department of Chemical Pathology、法医学病理学系Department of Fensic Medicine、人类遗传和生物进化学系Department of Human Genetics and Developmental、免疫学系Department of Immunology、药理微生物学系Department of Medical Microbiology、滤毒学Department of Medical Virology
(九)牙医学院Faculty of Dentistry
公共牙医学系Department of Community Dentistry、口腔外科学系Department of Maxillo-Facial and Oral Surgery、口腔病理及口腔生物学系Department of Oral Pathology and Oral Biology、矫形学系Department of Orthodontics
(十)工程,建筑环境和信息科学学院Faculty of Engineering,Built Environment, and Infmation Technology
1、工程学院School f Engineering 农业食品工程系Department of Agriculture and Food Engineering、化学工程系Department of Chemical Engineering、土木建筑工程系Department of Civil Engineering、电子与计算机工程系Department of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering 、技术管理工程系Department of Engineering and Technology Management、工业系统工程系Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering、技术革新学会Institute f Technological Innovation、材料科学和冶金工程系Department of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering、航空机械系Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering、采矿系Department of Mining Engineering
2、建筑环境学院School f the Built Environment 庭院建筑系Department of Architecture and landscape Architecture、建筑经济系Department of Construction Economics、研究生学习Research and Postgraduate Study、城镇规划系Department of Town and Regional Planning
3、信息技术学院Schhool of Infmation Technology 计算机科学系Department of Computer Science、信息科学系Department of Infmation Science、信息系Department of Infmatics
(十一)支援服务机构Suppt Services
学术信息服务中心Academic Infmation Service、课程研究设置中心Bureau f Institutional Research and Planning、远程教学改革中心Telematic Learning and Education Innovation
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