


交战和危险地带一览表–2012年8月12日 List of War and Risk Zones – Last update: August,12,2012

A. 交战地带: A. War zones:
阿富汗:喀布尔以外的全部地区 Afghanistan: All but Kabul City
布隆迪:锡比托克省,布班扎省,以及布琼布拉省(首都除外) Burundi: Provinces Cibitoke, Bubanza and Bujumbura except the capital proper
中非共和国:上科托,瓦卡加,姆博穆,巴明吉-班戈兰,瓦姆,瓦姆彭代,纳纳-曼贝雷,上桑加省和桑加.乍得和苏丹边境 Central African Republic: Prefectures Haute-Kotto, Vakaga, Haute-Mbomou, Bamingui-Bangoran, Ouhan, Ouhan-Pandé, Nana-Mambéré, Haute-Sangha and Sangha. Remaining borders with Chad and Sudan.
格鲁吉亚共和国:南奥塞提亚和阿布卡西亚与格鲁吉亚的的相邻25公里范围 Georgia: Break-away republics South Ossetia and Abkhazia and their borders with rump Georgia to a depth of 25kms.
刚果民主共和国(刚果金):全国 Democratic Republic of the Congo: whole country
乍得共和国:首都以外全国 Chad:whole country except capital
海地:全国 Haiti: whole country
印度:查谟和克什米尔;在拉达克与巴基斯坦边境50公里地区,除了瓦格赫道口外的与巴基斯坦接壤边境 India: Jammu and Kashmir; in Ladakh District within 50km of the Pakistani border (LoC). Immediate borders with Pakistan, except the crossing at Wagah.
伊拉克共和国:全国除了杜胡克省,伊尔比尔和阿斯-苏拉曼尼亚省的部分地区,这些省份和伊拉克以及土耳其边界地区也同样是交战地带。 Iraq: whole country except parts of Dohuk, Erbil and As-Sulamanniyya provinces. These provinces’ border areas with rump Iraq and Turkey are War Zones also.
以色列:加沙 Israel: Gaza
利比亚 :的黎波里以外全国危险地带以外其它地区 Libya: Whole country except Tripoli properRest of country
马里:全国 Mali: Whole country
尼日利亚: 河流州除哈科特港以外;博尔努州和约贝洲;卡杜纳和卡诺 Nigeria: Rivers state except Port Harcourt proper; Borno State and Yobe State; Cities of Kaduna and Kano
巴基斯坦: 克什米尔地区实际控制线50公里内,  和直辖部落地区。俾路支省和开伯尔-普赫图赫瓦省。 Pakistan: Kashmir at Line of control out to 50km and Federally.
菲律宾共和国:霍洛岛 Philippines: Jolo Group
俄罗斯: 车臣, 印古什, 达吉斯坦和北奥塞梯 Russia (vest for Ural): Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan & North Ossetia
索马里:全国(索马里兰自治区域除外) Somalia: Entire country except autonomous area of Somaliland
南苏丹:与苏丹、刚果民主共和国和中非共和国边界地区 South Sudan: Border with Sudan and borders with Democratic Republic of the Congo and Central African Republic
苏丹:达尔福尔省,南科尔多凡和苏丹北部、南部边境地区 Sudan: Darfur Provinces, South Kordofan and further border areas between North- and South Sudan
阿拉伯叙利亚共和国:全国 Syrian Arab Republic: Whole country
乌干达:除了市区,卡普乔鲁瓦,卡塔奎,科蒂多,莫罗托,纳卡皮里皮里特的东北方地区和DRC及苏丹边境。 Uganda: The Northeastern districts of Kapchorwa, Katakwi, Kotido, Moroto and Nakapiripirit. Immediate borders with the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, except urban areas.
也门:全国 Yemen: Whole country
B. 危险地带 B. Risk zones
阿富汗:喀布尔 Afghanistan: Kabul city
阿尔及利亚:全国 Algeria: Whole country
安哥拉:卡宾达被包围地区 (不包括近海处) Angola: Cabinda enclave (not including off-shore)
阿塞拜疆: 纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫 Azerbaijan: Nargorno-Karabakh
孟加拉国: 吉大港山区 Bangladesh: Chittagong Hill Tracts
布基纳法索: 中心北大区,北部大区和萨赫勒大区;马里的边境地区 Burkina Faso:Regions Centre-Nord, Nord and Sahel; Mali border areas
布隆迪:交战地带以外其它地区 Burundi: Rest of country
柬埔寨:与泰国的边境线 Cambodia: Border region with Thailand
中非共和国:除了首府外的其他地区 Central African Republic: Rest of country except the capital proper
乍得共和国:首都 Chad: Capital
哥伦比亚:全国 Colombia: Whole country
刚果共和国(刚果布):包括首都布拉扎维尔在内的联营地区 Congo Brazzaville: Pool region (including Brazzaville proper)
东帝汶:整个国家 East Timor: Whole country
厄瓜多尔:哥伦比亚边境地区 Ecuador: Border with Colombia
厄立特里亚:埃塞俄比亚和苏丹边境地区 Eritrea: Border with Ethiopia and Sudan
埃塞俄比亚:厄立特里亚,肯尼亚,苏丹与吉布提边境地区,以及甘布拉,索马里(欧加登)边境地区包括达纳基勒沙漠 Ethiopia: Borders areas Eritrea, Kenya, Sudan & Djobouti, The Gambella region and Somali (Ogaden) Region. Including Danakil Desert
格鲁吉亚共和国:距离俄罗斯边境地区24公里以内地区交战地带以外其他地区 Georgia: Areas along the border with Russia to a depth of 25 kmRest of country
几内亚:森林几内亚地区及科特迪瓦边境地区全国 Guinea: Guinee Forestiere region and the Cote d’Ivoire borderwhole country
几内亚比绍共和国:塞内加尔边境地区全国 Guinea-Bissau: Areas along the border with Senegalwhole country
印度:阿萨姆邦,曼妮普尔区,那加兰邦和特里普拉邦 India: Assam, Manipur, Nagaland &Tripura
印度尼西亚:苏拉威西岛中心地区,安汶,亚齐省和巴布亚岛 Indonesia:Central Sulawesi, Ambon, Aceh and Papua
伊拉克共和国:库尔德地区(杜胡克,伊尔比尔和Sulamaniya省)伊拉克和土耳其边界除外 Iraq: Kurdish region (Dohuk, Erbil and As-Sulamaniyah provinces) except for borders with rump Iraq and Turkey.
以色列:西岸,耶路撒冷市区和戈兰高地,以色列与加沙地带和西岸的边境地区(1967),以及与埃及,黎巴嫩,叙利亚共和国的边境地区 Israel: West Bank, Jerusalem city proper and the Golan heights. Internal (1967) borders between Israel, the Gaza Strip and West Bank plus the borders with Egypt, Lebanon and Syria.
象牙海岸:“du Confiance“区以北地区和巴斯萨桑德拉地区,Montagnes和中沙卡瓦利。 Ivory Coast: Areas north of the former “Zone du Confiance” and the regions Bas Sassandra, Montagnes and Moyen Cavally.
肯尼亚:西部省份,裂谷省中部和北部地区。内罗毕西部和北部的贫民区。从拉穆海岸向北至索马里边境60100公里以及拉穆海岸向北至索马里边境范围。 Kenya: Slum areas of Nairobi as well as the areas immediately to the west and north of the city. Somali border to a depth of 100km and the coastal areas from Lamu northwards to the Somalia borderWestern Province, central and northern parts of Rift Valley province. Slum areas of Nairobi as well as the areas immediately to the west and north of the city. Somali border to a depth of 60km and the coast from Lamu northwards.
吉尔吉斯斯坦:巴特肯省,贾拉拉巴德省和奥什省 Kyrgyzstan: Provinces Batken, Jalal-Abad and Osh
老挝:北部辖川圹省,saisomboun特别经济区 Lao People's Democratic Republic: The Northern Province of Xieng Khouang and in the Saisomboun Special Economic zone.
黎巴嫩:以色列和利塔尼河地区包括舍巴农场和贝卡山谷。城市地区和联合国难民营(除非另行说明的地区) Lebanon: Area between the Israeli border and the Litani River including Sheeba Farms as well as the Bekaa Valley. Urban areas and all UNRWA refugee camps unless otherwise specified
利比里亚:全国 Liberia: Whole country
利比亚:的黎波里 Libya: Tripoli proper
墨西哥:美国边境地区的下加利福尼亚州,索诺拉州,奇瓦瓦州,科阿韦拉州,新莱昂州和塔毛利帕斯州,农村地区的杜兰戈和萨卡特卡斯以及偏远农村的格雷罗州 Mexico:US border states of Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo León and Tamaulipas, and rural areas of Durango and Zacatecas as well as remote rural Guerrero State.
缅甸:克伦邦Kayah及Shan地区,距离印度75公里边境的karchin及Sagaing邦 Myanmar:Karen, Kayah and Shan states, Karchin and Sagaing states at the border with India to a distance of 75 km.
尼日尔:尼亚美以北地区 Niger:All Areas north of Niamey
尼日利亚:阿夸伊博姆州,包奇,巴耶尔萨,尼日尔三角洲,贡贝,卡杜纳,卡诺和高原洲。哈科特港,尼日尔边境 Nigeria: States of Akwa Ibom, Bauchi, Bayelsa, Delta, Gombe, Kaduna, Kano and Plateau. City of Port Harcourt. Nigeria border.
巴基斯坦:交战地区外的其它地区 Pakistan: Rest of country
巴拿马: Darién省 Panama: Darién Province
秘鲁: 库斯科,阿亚库乔地区,埃内河谷, 阿普里马克省和瓦亚加河和哥伦比亚边境 Peru: Cuzco and Ayacucho departments, and the valleys of the Ene, Apurímac and Huallaga rivers & Colombian border.
菲律宾共和国:巴西兰海峡,棉兰老岛,苏禄群岛 Philippines:Basilan, Mindanao and rump Sulu Archipelago
卢旺达:布隆迪与刚果共和国边境 Rwanda: Burundi borders & Democratic Republic of Congo borders
沙特阿拉伯:也门边境 Saudi Arabia: Border with Yemen
塞尔维亚:科索沃:“科索沃北部”和米特罗维察镇 Serbia: Kosovo: ”Severna Kosovo” and town of Mitrovica
塞拉利昂:边境地区 Sierra Leone: Border areas
索马里:索马里兰的自治区域 Somalia: Autonomous area of Somaliland
南苏丹:交战地带以外其它地区 South Sudan: Rest of country
斯里兰卡:北省地区 Sri Lanka: North Province
苏丹:喀土穆以外的其它地区 Sudan: Rest of country except Khartoum
塔吉克斯坦:阿富汗边境30公里地区。 Tajikistan: Afghanistan border to a depth of 30km.
泰国:缅甸和柬埔寨边界;南端省份北大年,也拉,宋卡 Thailand: Burma & Cambodia borders; extreme southern provinces Pattani, Yala, Narathiwat and Songkhla.
突尼斯:和阿尔及利亚接壤地区 Tunisia: Areas bordering Algeria
土耳其:伊拉克边境省区,(凡, 哈卡利 和西马克) 和东南部通杰利省, 宾格尔省, 迪亚尔巴克雅 Turkey: Provinces at Iraqi/Iranian border (Van, Hakkâri & Sirnak) and South-eastern provinces Tuncelli, Bingöl & Diyarbakir
乌兹别克斯坦:最东部,福尔加纳山谷,纳曼干-安集延地区 Uzbekistan: Extreme east, Fergana Valley and Namangan-Adijian Region
乌干达:北方省和尼罗河省的其余部分 Uganda: The rest of North Province and Nile Province
委内瑞拉:距哥伦比亚边境50公里以内地区 Venezuela: Border areas within 50 kilometers of Colombian
赞比亚:与刚果民主共和国(刚果金)边境地区 Zambia:border with Democratic Republic of Congo
C. 其他救援无法实施的地区: C. Other areas that the assistance cannot be reached
南极洲 Antarctica
D.临时处于战争状态的地区: D. Areas that is currently in war